Project shipments

Swivel unit from Saarbrücken to Singapore

Swivel unit from Saarbrücken to Singapore

1x390x320x520 cm, 84.500 kg/ 64,9 cbm

We have successfully transported a swivel assembly, destined for an FPSO vessel, from Germany via Antwerp to Singapore. Despite its weight of approximately 85 metric tons, the height of 525 cm presented a challenge for us and all our partners to keep things moving on schedule. Truck, barge, and sea-going container vessel — all were reached on time, allowing our clients to take possession of the cargoes promptly and begin installing the pieces into the FPSO vessel.

Gyrocopter to Namibia

Gyrocopter to Namibia

1x 500x200x255cm 315 kg

We have successfully transported a gyrocopter to Namibia! This special order included pre-carriage from Germany, careful handling and container stowage along with sea transportation upto Walvis Bay.

Bridge crane from Poland to the USA

Bridge crane from Poland to the USA

640 x 340 x 330 cm + accessories 77,820 kg/ 153.33 cbm

From Poland to the US: we transported 2 „small“ gantries and parts, which will be installed onto a dredging vessel, from Poland to a shipyard in the US. To fully utilize the space on a 40‘ FR, 2 gantries were nested in each other and were finally stuffed onto 1x 40‘ FR. Along with the parts, stowed in 5x 40‘ OT’s, the gantries and parts weree loaded on the same container vessel.



Vehicle import from Namibia in a container, stripping of container at our warehouse with subsequent import customs clearance and handover to the customer.

Mercedes G – class

Mercedes G – class

Pick-up by car transporter and pre-carriage to our warehouse of 6 Mercedes G-class passenger cars. Arranging the Carnets and stuffing into 3 x 40’ HC containers. Thereafter shipping to India with on-carriage to Kingdom of Bhutan.

Return transport of the Merced G-class passenger cars from Bhutan in containers via India to Hamburg into our warehouse. From there we arranged the customs clearance and delivered the G-class cars.